About TopoGen • ACTIVE SCIENCE TopoGEN was created by topo researchers. Our team has 25+ years experience and is intimately familiar with the unique details of topoisomerase drug discovery. • PERSONALIZED ASSISTANCE Our support staff is dedicated to providing you with the training and acumen you need to complete your research goals. We are happy to review your data and provide expertise. • CRO SERVICES Powerful, mechanism based custom screens developed and conducted entirely in house. Contact us for a quote. • HIGH QUALITY REAGENTS High molecular weight Topo II. DNA Substrates and cleavage targets. Topo inhibitors and antibodies. Kits fully replenishable. • DRUG SCREENING KITS Identify topo active drugs for use in cancer chemotherapy and antibacterial applications. • ASSAY KITS Assay pro- and eukaryotic topoisomerases (type I, II, IV, gyrase) both in vitro and in vivo.
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