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Applied Biological Materials (ABM)


Applied Biological Materials (ABM) Inc. is a Canadian company that is constantly on the lookout for the latest innovations for life science research and drug development. ABM Inc. develops and markets novel products and services to researchers who want the highest quality at the most competitive pricing. Our numerous product lines comprehensively cover many cutting-edge technologies, such as RT-PCR, antibodies, siRNA, cell immortalization, and adenoviral and lentiviral expression systems. We also offer various custom services to create novel solutions to experimental challenges and to help you maximize your time by minimizing your research workload.

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Terms of Delivery


Divbio Science will charge € 42,50 for handling and export packing on each order All deliveries in Europe are subject to a surcharge of € 97,50 for Fedex International Priority Service. For deliveries with a total value under € 250,- Divbio Science is allowed to invoice €25,- surcharge for small order handling. For cooled transport (dry ice, blue ice, cooling elements) Divbio Science Europe is allowed to invoice a surcharge of € 35,- per shipment. Divbio Science Europe is free in choosing the way of shipping. Extra costs for a different way of transport (requested for by the customer) will be invoiced to the customer. Prices on our website are without engagement, subject to change without notice due to fluctuations in exchange rates US dollar/Euro.

Return of goods

Goods can only be sent back after approval from Divbio Science.


Claims can only be made within 8 days after date of delivery. General terms of delivery The general terms of delivery of Divbio Science are in accordance with the General terms of delivery as published by the branch organization "Federatie Het Instrument"/"Federation The Instrument", unless otherwise is agreed upon.